
Good design is the foundation of good management. A little thought and effort at the start of your rural project can make all the difference to land management outcomes, farming and food system productivity, energy and labour efficiency, and environmental impact. 


Once you have a vision and design in place, planning your project is  the next step. This is the stage where you will interact with external influences and organisations, such as Council Planning, Water Authorities and other regulatory bodies and frameworks, depending on your project. With over 15 years experience in State and Local Government, including experience as a VCAT expert witness, Thriving Rural can offer a range of support services to ensure that your project safely navigates the various regulatory hurdles you may face on your way to success. 


Rural ambitions and dreams come in all shapes and sizes – from a beautiful, productive garden and well-designed environmentally conscious home through to large scale diverse agricultural production systems. At Thriving Rural, we can think with you to help you achieve your vision, unconstrained by tradition and convention. Tell us what you’re imagining, and we will draw on our extensive experience, networks and connections to help you bring it into reality. There is nothing we love more than a creative challenge in the rural landscape. 

Thriving Rural's office is located on the unceded lands of the Taungurung clans of the Kulin nation. We would like to acknowledge and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. Always was, always will be Aboriginal Land.

Copyright © 2023 Annemaree Docking and Thriving Rural Pty Ltd